What Can People Do to Prevent Sports Injuries?

What Can People Do to Prevent Sports Injuries?

These tips can help you avoid sports injures.

  • Don’t bend your knees more than half way when doing knee bends.
  • Don’t twist your knees when you stretch. Keep your feet as flat as you can.
  • When jumping, land with your knees bent.
  • Do warmup exercises before you play any sport.
  • Always stretch before you play or exercise.
  • Don’t overdo it.
  • Cool down after hard sports or workouts.
  • Wear shoes that fit properly, are stable, and absorb shock.
  • Use the softest exercise surface you can find; don’t run on asphalt or concrete.
    Run on flat surfaces
  • .

For adults:

  • Don’t be a “weekend warrior.” Don’t try to do a week’s worth of activity in a day or two.
    Learn to do your sport right. Use proper form to reduce your risk of “overuse” injuries.
    Use safety gear.
  • Know your body’s limits.
  • Build up your exercise level gradually.
  • Strive for a total body workout of cardiovascular, strength-training, and flexibility exercises.

For parents and coaches:

  • Group children by their skill level and body size, not by their age, especially for contact sports.
  • Match the child to the sport. Don’t push the child too hard to play a sport that she or he may not like or be able to do.
  • Try to find sports programs that have certified athletic trainers.
  • See that all children get a physical exam before playing.
  • Don’t play a child who is injured.
  • Get the child to a doctor, if needed.
  • Provide a safe environment for sports.

For children:

  • Be in proper condition to play the sport.
  • Get a physical exam before you start playing sports.
  • Follow the rules of the game.
  • Wear gear that protects, fits well, and is right for the sport.
  • Know how to use athletic gear.
  • Don’t play when you are very tired or in pain.
  • Always warm up before you play.
  • Always cool down after you play.

What Should I Do if I Get Injured on a Sport Match?

Never try to “work through” the pain of a sports injury. Stop playing or exercising when you feel pain. Playing or exercising more only causes more harm. Some injuries should be seen by a doctor right away. Others you can treat yourself.

Call a doctor when:

  • The injury causes severe pain, swelling, or numbness
  • You can’t put any weight on the area
  • An old injury hurts or aches
  • An old injury swells
  • The joint doesn’t feel normal or feels unstable.

If you don’t have any of these signs, it may be safe to treat the injury at home. If the pain or other symptoms get worse, you should call your doctor. Use the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and speed healing. Follow these four steps right after the injury occurs and do so for at least 48 hours:

  • Rest. Reduce your regular activities. If you’ve injured your foot, ankle, or knee, take weight off of it. A crutch can help. If your right foot or ankle is injure
  • d, use the crutch on the left side. If your left foot or ankle is injured, use the crutch on the right side.

  • Ice. Put an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes, four to eight times a day. You can use a cold pack or ice bag. You can also use a plastic bag filled with crushed ice and wrapped in a towel. Take the ice off after 20 minutes to avoid cold injury.
  • Compression. Put even pressure (compression) on the injured area to help reduce swelling. You can use an elastic wrap, special boot, air cast, or splint. Ask your doctor which one is best for your injury.
  • Elevation. Put the injured area on a pillow, at a level above your heart, to help reduce swelling.

Are sleeping pills harmful?

What are they?

There are several types of sleeping pills. Some are only available with a prescription, such as benzodiazepines. These are a group of drugs that slow down the brain and central nervous system and are used to reduce anxiety, relax the body and help with sleep. There are about 30 different types and each can be sold under several brand names. The most well-known brand name, Valium, is the generic drug diazepam. Different types of benzodiazepines work for different lengths of time.

The z-drugs – zolpidem, zoplicone and zaleplon – are also only available on prescription and have a similar affect to benzodiazepines. Most over-the-counter pills contain antihistamines as the active ingredient. They are also used to treat allergies and hay fever and are not as powerful as benzodiazepines or z-drugs.

There are also a number of “natural” sleeping tablets. Most contain the herb valerian or the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is made in the brain by the pineal gland and affects our internal body clock and sleep cycle. The Australian Consumers’ Association says valerian is the most popular natural sleeping aid as it has undergone the highest number of trials. Other pills contain herbs such as passionflower, hops and chamomile and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and vitamins B6 and K.

The pros

  • Prescription tablets are very powerful. They may be prescribed for a short time to get you over a bad bout of insomnia.
  • A Harvard Medical School study found that melatonin tablets may help people whose sleep patterns are disrupted by shift work or travel across time zones.
  • Herbal sleeping pills have fewer side effects than the other pills.

The cons

  • Prescription pills have several side effects that can last from a few hours to a few days, depending on the dose and type of drug. Side effects include drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, clumsiness, mood swings and poor memory.
  • Your body develops a tolerance for prescription pills after between three and 14 days of continued use and you will need to increase the dose. Some people also become dependant on them and have withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and shaking, when they stop taking them.
  • Antihistamines are not as strong as prescription drugs, but can still cause drowsiness the next day. “Side effects include difficulty urinating, urinary retention, dry mouth and blurred vision. People quickly develop a tolerance to them,” says Dr Lynn Weekes, National Prescribing Service CEO.
  • The benefits of melatonin pills are still unproven, says the University of California Berkeley. Although they help people fall asleep faster, them may not help them stay asleep and may cause drowsiness the next day.
  • A Choice magazine study found that most herbal sleeping pills had no effect on insomnia. There have also been rare reports of liver damage from valerian use and it can cause headaches and stomach upsets.

When not to take them

  • You should not take prescription sleeping pills if you are on antidepressants, pregnant or a new mother. You should not drink alcohol or drive while taking them.
  • Antihistamines may interact with other medications, including antidepressants, and shouldn’t be taken by people with asthma, epilepsy or glaucoma.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking herbal sleeping tablets as they may affect other conditions or interact with medications.

Environmental and civilization health diseases: What’s behind it?

With what diseases a person is confronted in the course of his life, which is always also depends on the environment in which he grows up and lives. Many diseases that have spread to the developed Western world, the members of the indigenous people do not know. Precisely this range of conditions commonly referred to as diseases of civilization.

The causes of these diseases

Man interacts in many ways with its environment. He speaks and listens, can sense heat and cold and takes various substances through the mouth, nose, eyes, ears and on the skin. Then there are the substances that enter the food through the digestive tract into the body. And that’s where danger lurks. You already start at an ever- existing oversupply of food, which the emergence of overweight and as a result of diseases of the supporting and locomotor system and the cardiovascular system favors to not even to speak of diseases such as diabetes. The lack of movement of the highly developed societies here affects adversely.

The range of environmental and lifestyle diseases

In addition to the actual threat posed by environmental toxins and the increasing number of diagnosed allergies to mental illness become noticed. Many anxiety disorders are triggered by the cautionary publications in the media to the environmental toxins. In addition, the ever-increasing pressure to perform and the sensory overload in the modern -oriented digital media company.

All these factors tend to mutually add up and to potentiate. Genetically modified food and animals fed with antibiotics in the food chain are more triggers for diseases of civilization. Here that negative aspects of the legislation and controls can not be completely avoided, the food scares of recent times have made very impressively clear.

The organism reacts individually

Whether a person develops an environmental and lifestyle diseases, which depends both on its genetic make-up and the other hand on his personal behavior. Some of the most damaging influences such as alcohol, tobacco and contact with a particularly intense solar radiation can be avoided. There were other factors such as the noise in a big city one, only an escape to the countryside.

Is a Healthy Lifestyle Worth It?

The National Action Plan “IN FORM – German initiative for healthy eating and exercise more ” is also used in business and administration approval. An investment in workplace health promotion is worthwhile for the employees and the operation, the numbers speak for themselves.

On the INFORM Symposium on Workplace Health Promotion in Bonn informed experts on ways of activities in the fields of exercise, nutrition, stress management, and digital work protection. The symposium was the prelude for further events to Theam workplace health promotion.

The healthier and more powerful are the employees, the better they can meet the diverse challenges of everyday work. Investing in the health of employees should also convince the finance department of the company. It is clear from results that were presented at the symposium, stating that a company for every euro that it invested in occupational prevention, receives an equivalent of 1.60 euros.

For more information about the costs and benefits of WHP find decision makers in business and administration and other interested parties on the new information portal.

The symposium also the importance of a balanced diet and getting enough exercise was stressed in workplace health promotion. Therefore, the initiative IN THE FORM together with the German Nutrition Society ( DGE) has developed quality standards for company canteens and compiled a checklist to check the foods available in their canteen with the companies.

There are also suggestions for more movement in the workplace and many other tips for a healthy lifestyle, even for families, children, youth and seniors.

Health problems: Pollen alergies

In the vernacular, an allergy to grass is also known as hay fever. But this is not an allergic reaction to the grass itself, but against certain protein components of pollen. As Windbestäuber produce grasses during its heyday tons of pollen. Because unlike the animal pollination, wind pollination is not targeted. To compensate for this disadvantage, appropriate quantities to be produced, which are then transported for miles by the wind.

Hay fever, everyone suffers differently

Basically, a grass pollen allergy is similar to other forms of seasonal pollen allergy. Again, can therefore vary the severity of the symptoms. While some people will only feel a slight scratchy throat, others are struggling with a runny nose or total zugeschwollenen eyes. In addition to watery eyes, runny nose and cough more symptoms such as itching, redness, or swelling of the skin may occur. And also the general well -being can be pulled by a grass pollen allergy affected. It also is not unusual comes to the so-called cross reactions in which the body reacts to substances that have similar protein components matching those on the grass. These include foods such as raw potatoes, soybeans, peanuts, tomatoes, kiwis or peas. Referring also to cereals such as rye, barley or wheat cross reactions are possible.

Tips for grass pollen allergic

People who suffer from pollen allergy should first try to avoid contact with the allergens. In grass pollen but this is very difficult due to their wide distribution. The best time for outdoor activities is, therefore, after a prolonged period of rain, because rain washes the pollen out of the air. In addition, sufferers should long shower before going to bed and not forget the hair. The bedding should be washed during the pollen season more often. However, can only be minimized and not completely prevented by these measures the pollen count. Therefore, an allergy to grass pollen usually requires a special treatment, which depends on the severity of symptoms.

In addition to alleviating the symptoms, for example through special nose drops and / or eye drops and antihistamines may be necessary and useful for acute onset of symptoms. With very severe impairments, there is also the possibility of desensitization, but a certain amount of lead time required. The decision and recommendation in this regard, however, is up to the doctor alone treated.

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